Amel Super Maramu 2000
Galvanic Isolator Installation Deciding on the location, testing the Galvanic Isolator and adding spacers
Instead of the (Green Arrow) Shore Earth wire going to the connector then back to the plug
The (Green Arrow) Shore Earth wire will go to the Galvanic Isolator then back to the connector (then to the plug)
Testing the Galvanic Isolator
As the instruction says: as with any safety dependant device the Galvanic Isolator should be periodically tested
Being by myself (and taking pictures) I have to be creative
The needle on the meter should move into the FAIL section
If the needle does not move or moves completely off the scale, then the unit needs to be removed
other side ok
Looking at the box, I noted there was spacers, so decided to do the same.
The ones I have were too shorts, so I purchase a thick 5/16" fuel line that I cut at 4 cm
A 1/4" fuel line would have been more appropriate but the store was out
On that picture I actually have #12 by 3" screw. Later on I will use 2 1/2"
My 4 spacers
Part 4
Installing the Galvanic Isolator and measure reading